This is great.

Three posts in less than an hour. Amphetimines are great.

So let's talk, America. You've got my undevided attention. I'm all juiced up, and I've got my news feeds screening in the background as we speak.

Congress, Congress, Congress. You make me fucking sick, you corporate ass-lickers. You've fucking allowed a 275,000 dollar fine for cencorship? That's more money than I'll likely make in my lifetime. Let alone more than some fucking disc jokey makes in a year.

What about the FIRST FUCKING AMMENDMENT, YOU ASSHOLES! Do you remember that? Didn't you bastards take OATHS to serve this country, to uphold the laws and guidelines outlines in the constitution?

You're doing this, while Iraq and Pakistan are lying in ruins. While Hati is tearing itself apart.
You do this while the cost of healthcare is skyrocketing. While marauding corporations suck the oil out of the earth, pollute the air, and raise prices all the while.

You fucking comfortably liberal sicophants make me SICK. Democratic. Republican. It doesn't fucking matter. You're all the same, at the end of the day, you're driving by the buck.

You can pass the Gun Immunity Bill, but you can't figure out a way to keep these weapons out of the hands of madmen, and nutcases. You can't even begin to DISCUSS the issue of making radio pattern recognizers, or access keys, manditory.

The Supreme Court slams a student for wanting to use his scholarships to become a minister, citing the speration of church and state. While the president takes a fundementaly Born Again Christian stance on gay marriage. On the war in Iraq. (godless heathens, all of them.) On, hell, everything.

Even the institution of journalism has been polluted. And to little suprise. For all this talk of 'decency', we're just slowly selling our souls to corporate america. After all, it doesn't matter what you say, as long as you don't 'cross the line'.

Lemme tell you something. The line is relative, assholes. Hitler didn't even see the line when he crossed it. Neither did most of his higher up generals. They walked right over what most people would consider 'the line'. Cause it wasn't THIER line.

Now we're doing the exact opposite. Soon our line will be so far into happy land, no one will ever offend anyone, because no one will ever say anything important. And if they do, we'll sue and fine the everloving fuck out of them.

The television news networks, and the web based fronts are lousy with corporate sponsership. Our news is flitered through a comfortably bi-partisan, corporate friendly lens. It's nearly impossible to get the hard stuff unless we're talking foreign news. And even then, mostly only when you go with the BBC.

This is AMERICA. Home of the FREE. Land of the brave. And we can't get to the truth behind anything. We can't even try without drowning in McDonalds new, annoying fucking ad campaign. That stupid, corporate engineered hip hop/fresh and funky "Bah da bah bah bahhhh" bullshit.

This country is about freedom.

Or at least it's supposed to be. Instead, all I see a self destructive, corrupt government. A puppet president, dancing on the strings Oil Companies, speacial interest groups, and the Moral Majority.

I see Alan Greenspan cutting the legs out from under poor families. No more Social Security Benefits?

Well, I suppose we can't help it when we've got a $521 BILLION DOLLAR PROJECTED BUDGET.
I see a tax cut for the richest people in america, while I sock away and EXTRA $15 dollars a check, and I'm not gonna get shit back? Because I'm not making enough money? What the fuck are you gonna do with the extra money, Bush? Pad a fucking matress? Could I have your old one, then, since I'll be sleeping out on the street?

You fucking madmen. You're all so wrapped up in your little petty crap. You're election races, you're corporate bullshit. You're so worried about your re-election campaign, mister bush, you either can't see, or don't care, that you're leading us to certain doom.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we've had enough, don't you? It's time to stand up, and ask for something new.

Democracy has failed us. We knew it when Bush got in to office. No matter who you voted for, it should have been clear that things were too fucked up to work now.

It's time for something new. I'll see what I can cook up. You just be ready for it when the time comes.

I'm fantastically off topic. I'm going to try this again.

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