Technological Advancement. The New Enemy of Freedom.
Or so Bush would have us belive. Let's look at the evidence.
Let's talk Freedom Car!
You can look around on the internet and find plenty of sources talking about Bush's 1.2 billion dollar freedom car project, set to give us a hydrogen car in ten years. What all this doesn't tell you is how the money is going to be spent. For the record, a shit ton of it is going into "researching" new ways to use fossil fuel technology. Or adapt the hydrogen car technology so that instead of solar cells producing the initial charge needed to seperate the hydrogen from water, we use good old Texas Crude. And by "Texas", I mean "New Texas." You might remember it as Iraq.
It also doesn't mention the Clinton/Gore plan to have a 80 mpg car on the market by 2004, which Bush scrapped. We could be sitting in a car that would take me too CHICAGO and back on 10 bucks right now. Instead, we went to war with Iraq, which I'm sure made her oil rich neighbors VERY agreeable in new oil dealings. And yet, the price of gas continues to rise...
I seem to recall Clinton making some major waves when the prices got this high during his term. Words like "price freeze" and "profiteering" were being thrown around. But, I guess you people can only remember that fat whore, Lewinsky.
Meanwhile we're all driving SUVs. Funny how those got popular, and by popular I mean LEGAL, with a Oil Money brat in the White House. No, scratch that, not nessicarily true. No SANE, and HONEST president would allow a car with such a frighteningly low fuel efficeincy to be MADE, let alone mass produced and mass marketed. The damn things are only LEGAL because of a technicality!
America NEEDS a fuel efficenient vehicle. I applaud the attempts of Toyota and Hunday to market one. I only wish they had gotten a warmer reception. The fact is, the whole country is in the throngs of a mass market SUV entanglement. It's fucking UNAMERICAN to not want a car that gets 6 miles to the gallon.
God dammit, if Dick Cheney is going to drive around in a 6000hp turbo powered, 48 wheeled, 40 passenger DEATH WAGON that turns raw crude oil into hundred dollar bills and spews black smoke the color of his SOUL, then why shouldn't every soccer mom own a fucking SUV? After all, they're so SAFE. And...CHEAP!
Saddle up, Dicky. Why don't you kick it into 48X48 mode, cross the friggin ocean, and use your On*Star to find those WMDs, you prick. And while you're at it, bring our boys home with you. You've got room.
We NEED a hydrogen car. Or at least a REALLY good hybrid. With the number of vehicle on the road, (not withstanding the gasoline guzzling SUVs), we're burning up petrol like the Bush family is burning up braincells. And if you count all the coke Dubyah does, and all the underage drinking that slut of a daughter of his does, THAT right there is enough brain power to cure aids twice. Who knows what the rest of the family contributes. Frankly, I don't know how they can still be breathing.
We invented the electric fuel cell in 1839. And the space shuttle god damn well does not run on fossil fuel.
But hey, no rush, guys.
There are those people who say that Hydrogen cars, and hybrids just don't work in the long run. You know who disagrees?
Look at the STATISTICS of these mother fuckers! Tell me the technology is unproven! Tell me it's slow, and inefficent.
You know what it is? It's NOT FUCKING OIL.
We're an oil based economy. And we're running LOW. I think we're gonna run out a lot sooner than anyone thinks. Some of the best estimates I've seen for the realistic lifespan of the oil market has it bottoming out sometimes before the end of this century. Now, granted, Dubyah, George Senior, and Dick Cheney will probably be recalled to an Enron ellumnai meeting in HELL long before then, but we're gonna have to worry about that big ass backlash. And that's not if those estimates arn't a little...conservative. I feel dirty using the word conservative in a scentence relating to oil companies, but there it is.
The bottom line is this, people. Bush sabotaged a perfectly good hybrid car project, and tweaked things to his liking. By "his liking", I mean the liking of SATAN. Or whoever has the windup key that fits in Bush's back, and winds his spring.
Let's talk about a happier issue. Let's talk about babies.
Actually, let's talk about organic mush. Similar, in many ways, to snot, or flegm. That's about the state of human life required to get a stem cell.
And yet, Mister Bush, in his characteristically short sighted way, in effect, aborted this important, and signifigant research, because some dumb fucks decided to bring to the attention of the whole world that "SCIENTISTS KILL BABIES FOR EXPERIMENTS." That's a real headline.
Let's talk some facts here.
For one thing, to call what you take a stem cell sample from a baby is like calling my home phone a HAL 9000. Yeah, it could be that, I guess. If I put a LOT of time into it. And if it was sentient.
But it's not. It's goop.
Futhermore, there are two very improtant things everyone seems to overlook. For one thing, you can get stem cells from umbilical cords. Didn't know that, did you? Oh yes.
Secondly, show of hands, who can tell me how many unwatned pregnancies are aborted each day? Answer? More than enough to give our scientists all the samples they needed to figure out how to cure some of our worst diseases.
There was promising research coming forth for MDS. Cancer. Even the AGING process, could in theory, be retarded by the benifits of stem cell reasearch. But no. Bush canned it. Because that's what Jesus would want.
Jesus would want the sick, the dying, and the helpless, to suffer so that inert goop may live. You take a highlighter to the part of the bible where it says "Thou shalt not fuck with my goop.". Find the part where god hates cloning, too. We've banned that as well.
And do you know what the worst part of all this is? Our scientists, AMERICAN scientists, are going elsewhere to continue thier work. Sure, some is still done here. But with no new cells to study, and no grant money, as a result of a lack of government funding, and bad press killing most private funding, our boys are going elsewhere. China selectivly breeding, and cloning gigantic carp. They are going to be feeding their some odd billion people for much, much cheaper, very, very soon. Already, the effects are showing. And that might just mean true communism for them.
While we shake our fist at Korea for it's nuclear program, they are working on stem cells. Soon, they will have a cure for cancer. And they will not share. Because we have treated them like fucking idiots since the 50s. And they arn't.
At this rate, America will lose it's place as the dominant superpower in the world. We will be replaced by China, or perhaps by a coalition of Asian nations. Hell, at the rate we're going, even the EU could take our spot.'
Bush says nice things for the cameras. Bush says "Let's go to MARS!" and a part of me is hopeful. Then a part of me realizes two very important things. One, it's an election year. And it wasn't that long ago Bush was pro-civil union. Before the numbers came in. And two, all the technocrats I know are weary of anything Bush wants. So now they arn't sure Mars is a good idea.
I want to go to Mars. Not personally, mind you. I wouldn't do anyone any good there. But there would be other worlds. And eventually, there might be a call for people to leave this planet, and live on those worlds. To explore. To chart and discover. And I would be more than happy to be that person.
But let's be honest. When Bush says "Let's go to Mars", it's like telling the kids you're going to a party before taking them to the dentist. He says "Let's go to Mars" the way he says "Terrorist", to mean "look over there.", "Al Quida" to mean "it's the boogyman.", "9/11" to mean "He's gonna get you."
"Freedom". Synonamous with "pay no attention to the men behind the curtain".
We arn't going anywhere. There's no oil on mars.
The only thing that seperates us from the apes is technology. Only through discovery, through the power of science have we grown into what we are today.
Through modern medicine, and social practices, we alrady have, in many ways, turned our back on evolution.
If we now turn our backs on technological progress, we, as a people, are doomed.
I imagine the future, and I see a small minority of intelligent people, inventing new ways for their barely human simian masters to live more comfortably. Computers that make things easier. Cars that are BIGGER and LOUDER. Shinier televisions. And I see this ignorent mass of humanity, slowly destroying itself. A portion will live well. Surrounded by the technology of easy living. They will understand none of the principles upon which it works. They won't care to. They will just pay someone to fix it when it breaks, and complain that their lives are not easy enough.
And evenutally, our race will die this way. Smothered by our own complaicency.
Don't let it turn out that way, friends. I beg of you. Support our dreamers. Our adventurers. Support the ones who would see mankind advance, out beyond our petty conflicts over the decompossed remains of jurrassic plants. Past the ignorence that blinds us, that makes us assume a moral imperetive over others. That makes us hate those who are different.
I say evolve. And let the chips fall where they may.
This far more coherent peice of journalism was brought to you by whatever in the hell I'm on, and a liberal (ha!) dose of insomnia.
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