I am Jack's Wasted Life

For anyone who has BEEN reading this, it should come to no suprise to you that I am an utter waster of a human life. However, I would like to ask, which is the bigger loser, the loser, or the man who reads about the loser?

In any matter.

I don't have much to say today. Oh, sure, I could rant and rave about how our government went to war with an oil rich nation based on the threat of imaginary weapons of mass destruction, or the terrible fact that George W. Bush used to work for Exxon-Mobile. (He took a pay cut when he became President, did you know that? But then, I guess with all those under the table deals and kickbacks from the oil industry, it all works out in the end.)

I could, even, go on to foam at the mouth about how Fox fucking News should be wiped from the earth with nuclear fire. I can't fucking tell you how tired I am of those bastards coming up with a fucking anacronysm for EVERYTHING. OBL (or is it UBL? They change from week to week.), WMDs, blah blah blah. FUCK OFF! No one cares! Just when you thought journalism couldn't get any cheesier and more rediculous and useless, along comes FOX. Thanks.

But I won't. At this point, if you're reading this, you already knew this shit. If not, well, fuck. Stop watching TV, get you some REAL news. Fuck that "comfortably liberal" bullshit they feed you on the networks. Break away from the teat of the false information community, start looking into things for youself.

In any matter, I'm really only here to tell you about a wonderful Manga called BLAME!, by a very nice man named Nihei Tsutomu. If you ARN'T reading this, you should be. You can find a link to it over in the link section. It not for everyone. It's really only for people who can interperet a story, and enjoy well drawn characters and dark, technological vistas. That's probably about 2% of the American public. And yet, it's doing very well in Japan. Well, at least evolution works SOMEWHERE.

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