You're Doing It Wrong: Turok

Dinosaurs. Teh Footure. And an Angry Injun with a Bow and Arrow. How could you fuck this game up?

Well, you can't. Not really. But if you're playing the PS3 version, you do get to enjoy a whole shit-ton of texture pop-ins. Mmm. Pop-in fresh. Also, on occasion, when turning your god damn head, you may notice a brief flash of white on some of the brushes. Pay no attention, that's just the medication kicking in.

I could also rail against lackluster level design, a control scheme best described as "Meh", and a completely nonsensical difficulty curve, but frankly, it's the lighting-like white flashes at the periphery of my vision every 20 seconds that really have my panties in a bunch.

Worst part? Saw a friend playing this game on the 360, and it didn't seem to have this problem. This is what I get for trying to actually play a game on my $600 media center.

(Image used without permission from some Emo blog I don't read.)

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