Been away a while. A long while. Work has kept me busy, and frankly, I haven't felt like writing cause I doubt it would do any good. Seems like I'll never get a damn journalism degree, which is the only chance in hell of getting a writing job. Hell, I doubt anyone reads this.

But I don't care anymore. Someone needs to write this shit. Blogging has even gone so far that the mainstream media is critisizing it, saying any idiot with a computer instantly becomes a journalist, only they don't check sources, and are free to make shit up.

First off, (raise hand) Guilty.
Second, the government's been making shit up for YEARS and feeding it to be. This is just tit for tat.
Lastly, I've never pusblish any 'facts' that were anything but. And mostly, I've put forth opinions. To that end, I will CONTINUE to check my facts before I post, and I will still not give a shit and say whatever I damn well please.

I'm gonna start writing again. I need to. Someone needs to get this sort of writing out there. It's not enough to try to be dispassionate and objective about the news. Hell, it's not even possible.
Analouges to Schrodinger's Cat aside, you change something by observing it. It's true. So even if you CAN be 100% objective, which in my opinion only a machine (or perhaps a sociopath, and even then, I doubt it) can achieve, simply by bearing witness, you change what has transpired.

So, why bother to be objective? Why not simply be truthful? Write what you think, write what you feel. Just make sure you present the facts, and TRY to make concessions toward the other side of the arguement.

If this all sounds familiar, good. This is Gonzo Journalism, a style put forth by american writer Hunter S. Thompson, (author of, among other things, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas) who, despite his almost unending battles with drug addiction, and madness, was quite possibly the greatest modern writer since Hemingway.

A few weeks ago, my hero, Hunter S. Thompson, the man who made ME want to write, killed himself in his compound outside Aspen, Colorado. You probably saw something about this on the news, maybe not. It doesn't really matter. He's gone now, and will never write again.

I'm not so egotistical to think I should try to replace him. Nor do I particularly wish to emulate him, he had his style, I have mine. But I did gain a new resolve to write. My hero is gone, but I still live, and as long as I'm alive, I'll write what I think and feel.
Even if it does no good.
Even if it costs me money, and makes me none.
Even if no one ever reads it. I'll write anyway.

The world is full of bastards. Bastards that survive by keeping things hidden. Most of these bastards work in the government, and a good chunk of them we elected, and almost all of them do not honestly give a shit about you. Just about what you can get them. As long as I live, I'll shine a light at those bastards. Even if I'm opinionated and wrong, at least with me, you can be sure you're getting more of the truth than someone who has sponsers.

Now I'm gonna go thrash around to Anti Flag and get drunk in Hunter's Honor.

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